EUROPEAN COMMISSION, 2024: “The proposed innovation is truly revolutionary. As of now, there is nothing quite like this in the market.”
Make nonpartisan capital by committing to the only web3++ computer.
Computer that no one but you owns and profits from. Together, we are creating
- a self-sustaining community
- for 2,000,000 of developers, designers, artists and investors
- interested in the augmenting the world of personal computing.
All-inclusive adoption of WEB3++ environments
- full-scale
- remote
- open-source architecture.

Trusted by industry fellows at
Unlike the outmoded rest, our IVA community hardware and software platforms are set to be:
Download, modify and instantly monetize your web3 computer.
Create, share and monetize content (code is a content too) in no time.
Customize your -verse and the web3 computer.
Out-the-box opportunities of the end-to-end decentralized platform.
God-mode over any -verse.
And more features for members!
Participation in the IVA community also grants its member with the benefits (vary for different Membership Tokens):
- Career models: Freelancer> Merchant> Vanguard
- Tokenomics of IVA
- Largest community ever for developer/designer/artist/investor
- Key vendors of the industry among Vanguards
- Remote testing sessions with real hardware and users
Case studies
For Designer and Artist
Freedumb: commit small, change a lot, be awarded
Freedumb: commit small, change a lot, be awarded
For investorFor DevelopersFor Designer and Artist
For Developers
Freedumb: commit small, change a lot, be awarded
Freedumb: commit small, change a lot, be awarded
For investorFor DevelopersFor Designer and Artist
For investor
Freedumb: commit small, change a lot, be awarded
Freedumb: commit small, change a lot, be awarded
For investorFor DevelopersFor Designer and Artist
What our partners think
Extremely dedicated to the revolution of personal computing team. Peter Vesterbacka, (Angry Birds, Slush, FinEst Future) ★★★★★
Working hand by hand with the team inspires my every day in the WEB3 community work in Finland, Helsinki. Santeri Suominen (Helsinki XR Center, FIVR) ★★★★★
The AR.VO team is putting an outstanding effort into making the next generation computer a reality. Henrik Keinonen, D.Sc. (Business Helsinki/City of Helsinki, XR, Blockchain, Gaming) ★★★★★
DLS/Blockchain and the web3 belong to each other. Meanwhile, the web3 computer, a cornerstone of the next web generation, have not yet arrived. I have faith AR.VO is one of the companies here to make it happen. Markus Lehtonen, Helsinki Blockchain Center, CEO ★★★★★