a spectacular 3D collector’s piece that fits into infinity and cash in on it with just a snap
PROBLEMmore on this
User generated content creators struggle with money/value, tools expropriated from them
TRADEABLE 3D/REALITY ART&DESIGN COMMITS. Achievable through the community and next generation computer components.
SOLUTIONads-based platform models are taking earnings away from the creators (barely paying them for work) and IT industry impotence to change and cannibalize itself with new products. As a result, creators have longer learning curves, high costs, hardly achievable strong income.
Durov said Apple is not "happy with content creators monetizing their efforts without paying a 30% tax" and that Telegram has no choice but to disable paid posts and channels on its iOS app. "This is just another example of how a trillion-dollar monopoly abuses its market dominance at the expense of millions of users who are trying to monetize their own content," Durov continued. https://www.macrumors.com/2022/10/28/telegram-ceo-apple-destroying-dreams/
IVA community created with the idea to liberate and empower artist with instant art creation in 3D realities and getting paid for their art pieces as much as those really deserve.
Whatever art you are making within the community - instantly get it converted into a digital asset and get it automatically published and traded via IVA marketplace or/and 3rd party ones, open markets.