Competition and Advantages
Largest competitors operating or developing operations (with a major chance to persuade dominance) within our markets - actual or estimation.
Competition landscape over potential SOM, USD BLN/w=3840,quality=90,fit=scale-down)
Unique Selling Proposition: Snap to Sell
We are different to our competition as the
- world’s first fully decentralized computer
- and ecosystem
- for accessing, creating and monetizing
- all that web3 and further versions of it have to offer.
Unique Selling Proposition: 
- With ARVO decentralized wearable computer you access the any -verse
- you download, modify and monetize Anyverse and, at the end, Your computer itself
- ARVO machine adapts to you rather than you adapting to it

ARVO advantages are a better fit to our early target audience and the next one it grows into:
typical millennials, 25-44 yo well-educated men with a women’s share welcomingly growing, who are looking for important experiences, rather of a middle income from US/India, France, Spain, Turkey and Sweden, who are tech-savvy and interested in software/hardware development, school, teaching, gaming and digital art, have or want to have kids.
ARVO unfair advantages
Why they are unfair? - >
we have freedom of scratch and thus are able to instantly deploy end-to-end DLT architecture for all our solutions.
Which for existing companies would take ages to integrate or would need to start a stand-alone effort that would then operate on par with any other startup
we have a unique tokenomics strategy, which is going to change talent <> employer relationship (and beyond) how we know them, to the benefit of our model, securing best talents for AR.VO
building the largest open source community other companies would never be able to achieve with their currently centralized business models
Competition landscape over potential SOM, USD BLN/w=3840,quality=90,fit=scale-down)
Meta < Arvo wins by DLT architecture+ real value-tokenomics+largest OS community + market fit
Google, Microsoft, Apple < Arvo wins by DLT architecture+ real value-tokenomics+largest OS community
OpenSea < Arvo wins by attaching authentic real value to assets +making OpenSea a reseller